MAZ-525 ( 1959 - BelAZ-525 ) was a Soviet heavy truck produced by the Minsk Automobile Plant. Development started in 1949 at the Yaroslavl Automobile Plant Design Bureau. The project was called YaAZ-225. It was planned to install an offset to the left of the cabin YaAZ-200. However, further technical documentation passed on MAZ truck where the design has been substantially enhanced.
Appearance of the truck from different years of release differed slightly. So, on the MAZ-525 first editions hood was equal to the width of the cabin, in the later editions, he became much narrower. Initially, the hood was mounted on the sides of the fence for security mechanic servicing the engine, but then it refused. On the hood early MAZ-525 was placed chrome figure bison bison at later placed as vyshtampovki on the sidewalls of the hood. In addition, the early MAZ-525 grille externally resembled lattice MAZ-200.
In 1952, on the basis of the truck tractor was created MAZ-E-525D to work in pair with 15 -cc tractor-scraper D-189. In 1954, the joint efforts of MAZ, Institute of Mining and Kharkov UkSSR trolleybus depot was a unique dump - trolley truck equipped with two motors trolleybus D-202 with total capacity of 172 kW. In 1964, we have developed another model truck - trolleyvoza, called DTU-25. In 1959, on the basis of units MAZ-525 was made 3 copies of the wheel airfield tractor MAZ-541.
In 1959, production was transferred to the Belarusian Automobile Plant, where the truck was produced until 1967 under the name BelAZ-525. At the same time with the side plate disappeared "MAZ" bison, and an inscription on the hood "BELAZ". In the same year, on the basis of the truck was developed in Zhodino tractor BelAZ-525A to work in the train with a 45-ton semitrailer BelAZ-5271. However, in a series of truck would not go.
Operation of machines continued until the early 1970s. MAZ-525 participated in virtually every major Soviet construction sites 1950-1960-s. As well as in overseas construction projects (e.g. in the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt).
The only surviving copy is installed as a monument at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.
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